District Governor Jane Curlee Istre

Jane was born in Lubbock Texas and moved to the Austin area in 1984.  She was the first girl in Texas admitted to an Auto Mechanics Class at the High School level. She had a career in the Auto Parts business for 23 years then switched to Management.  She holds a degree in accounting, finance and a masters in Business Management.  She has had her own local business called Curlee Business Management Services Inc in Smithville for sixteen years.  Jane volunteers her accounting and payroll services for many local non-profits.

She is very active in the Community through Lions Club, her church, Order of the Eastern Star and various civic organizations in Smithville.  Jane celebrates her twelfth year as a Lion.  She has been a Past President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Club Administrator of the Smithville Noon Lions Club.  Jane has served our District as Zone Chair for 2B and 2A for several years.  Her Lions Heart is VISION. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Lone Star Eye Bank for two years and the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center for four years.  She serves as her area’s “Screen Team” co-chair for Kid Sight and is State Certified in Vision and Hearing.  Through her efforts she wrote and received grants that enabled her club to buy a vision and hearing machines as well as money for ongoing screenings.  For the last five years, she has continuously strived to involve and seed her club into the Community, through several Legacy Projects, playground equipment for kids and KidSight Screenings.  Jane is a Texas Lions Foundation Fellow and a Jack Wiech Fellow award recipient and Lion of the Year twice in her club.  She volunteers many hours giving programs to other Lions clubs and projects a wonderful and POSITIVE attitude toward anything she’s involved in.


Jane has attended the International Convention in Chicago in 2017, the LCI Con in Las Vegas in 2018, the LCI Con in Malan in 2019.  Virtual in 2021, the LCI Con in Montreal in June of 2022, and the LCI Con in Boston 2023.


She is married to her partner in service Lion Vincent Istre, has one Daughter, Lion Leah Stinson and two young grandchildren.  Her activities include Bowling, Camping, Gardening, Photography, Sports, Tae Kwon Do and any motor sports.